About Us

What about TopicBin? Who we are? And, what are we doing?

TopicBin is a web-based knowledge-sharing platform founded by an enthusiastic blogger in 2018. It attempts to present conceptual articles written to disseminate core knowledge and understanding related to banking, finance, economics, management, and technical areas. This site uses self-hosted WordPress as a publishing platform and is located in Nepal. The key person behind the scenes is an economics instructor, web developer, and banking professional keen to learn something new, investigate the issues, and impart the knowledge so gained.

Our main goal is:

Knowledge sharing to the world.

This way, we aim to establish ourselves as a dominant hub for knowledge sharing by providing users, especially readers, the content-rich articles and tutorials that bring into light the understanding of core concepts related to banking, finance, economics, management, and technical areas. In addition, its long-term goal is to promote itself as the best juncture for writers, publishers, and contributors seeking to publish their articles on the website.

Our main targeted users are college and university students, career seekers, bankers, practitioners, technicians, and professionals who are willing to have a clear understanding of subject matters. Not only that but also professional individuals like academicians, analysts, researchers, economists, policymakers, managers, and developers are also assumed to be the users of this site; because sharing and gaining knowledge is the core aspiration we pronounce to deserve.

If in case you require more information than we supplied here, you may contact us!